Rodents are mammals of the rotendtis order with the largest number of different species of all mammals. There are about 2277 species of rodents, which is 42% of the total amount of mammal species. Their success is probably due to their small size, short reproductive period and their ability to gnaw and eat a wide range of food.
The most common rodents are mice, rats, squirrels, porcupines, beavers, hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs.
Social behaviour and activity
The time rodents are active varies according to the species and habitat, but most are nocturnal or twilight animals. However, some groups, such as squirrels are mainly daytime animals. Some of those that inhabit the coldest regions hibernate (European examples are dormice and marmots), while some species such as the lemmings are also active during the winter.
Rodents are principally but not completely herbivorous. According to the species, the habitat or season of the year, rodents consume any part of plants: the grass, the leaves, the seeds and the nuts as well as the branches, bark, roots and tubers.